2024 Fall Breeding List
Tentative Breeding List
Please see our updated Sales Policy before contacting us about reserving a kid. We require a $100 deposit to hold a reservation, and will only take one doe reservation and two buck reservations per doe, though if you would like to be added to a contact list for a specific breeding, feel free to contact us.
For the 2020 breeding season, we have carefully planned an AI breeding for many of our does, as well as a live breeding to one of the bucks available to our use. We have a lot of exciting semen in the tank that we would love to use in improving our herd. Each doe will be evaluated before breeding, determining whether we will A.I. them or not. As always, breedings are subject to change, unless marked by a * confirming the pregnancy through Ultrasound or Biopryn.
Please note: By making an official reservation with a deposit you accept and agree to our Terms of Sale in its entirety.
*Confirmed pregnant via Biopryn